Katie Zwicker
Front Office Coordinator
P: 503-581-1800
E: K.Zwicker@EdenRoseBrown.com
Born and raised in Salem, Oregon, Katie started her career working for her parents for several years, at their bowling alley in Silverton. She learned the behind the scenes of what builds a business from doing administrative work, and marketing including attending seminars for bowling establishment proprietors, to cooking and cleaning and getting to know the customers of a small town. Her post-secondary education was at Chemeketa Community College.
Katie is a former vision therapist where she found her passion for helping people. She also works part-time catering events such as weddings and corporate parties. She enjoys travel, crafts, family time, animals, and hiking.
“I’m very thankful to have crossed paths with Eden, leading me to work at the Law Office of Eden Rose Brown. I am familiar with the proceedings once a loved one passes away who does not have a trust in place, it’s a long and complicated process. I’m glad I can be a part of a team that can help create a plan to eliminate those stressful dealings and allow people to focus on what’s really important.”
Katie and Joseph reside in Salem and are planning a June 2020 wedding.

Katie Zwicker
Front Office Coordinator
P: 503-581-1800
Born and raised in Salem, Oregon, Katie started her career working for her parents for several years, at their bowling alley in Silverton. She learned the behind the scenes of what builds a business from doing administrative work, and marketing including attending seminars for bowling establishment proprietors, to cooking and cleaning and getting to know the customers of a small town. Her post-secondary education was at Chemeketa Community College.
atie is a former vision therapist and works part-time catering events such as weddings and corporate parties. She enjoys travel, crafts, family time, healthful eating, and hiking.
“I’m very thankful to have crossed paths with Eden, leading me to work at the Law Office of Eden Rose Brown. I am familiar with the proceedings once a loved one passes away who does not have a trust in place, it’s a long and complicated process. I’m glad I can be a part of a team that can help create a plan to eliminate those stressful dealings and allow people to focus on what’s really important.”
Katie and Joseph reside in Salem and are planning a June 2020 wedding.

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